In which I jibber jabber.

March 28, 2013 at 3:32 PM | Posted in Blah Blah Blah | Leave a comment
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The other day I woke from the strangest dream.
(I know where some of the imagery came from, I’ll explain some afterwards).
I was watching a music video, as if I was part of the crew creating it. It was the crazy haired kids of One Direction from the UK. It was set in the forest for some reason. The lady they were all singing to was Reese Witherspoon. You know, someone almost old enough to be their mom. But they helped her walk down the stairs (I know it was in the woods but there was a giant set of glamorous stairs. It’s a dream, go with it.) Then a very strange thing occurred. All of the boys were holding haystack shaped things in their hands that looked like they were made of terrycloth. They were about the size of their torsos. Oh, did I mention that each small haystack had Reese Witherspoon’s face on it, smiling and being generally charming. It makes me shudder to think about it.
Then, while still holding the haystacks they were moving through the woods and me on my director’s rails going along with the scene. Then suddenly there were smatterings of angel statues all over the woods. Arms wide open reaching for the boys with their haystacks.
I was scared.
Then the woods opened up to a cavern with a lake at the bottom. As we got to the cliff edge I noticed there were many dinosaur shapes everywhere. They were giant statues made of flowers.
I then zoomed in to the bottom of the cavern by the lake where someone was telling me about one of the creatures. He was warning me because if I sprayed him with something, (which I proceeded to do,) which showed red under special light, the creature would get spooked and get away. Which he did. By the way, it was a dachshund/tiger/lizard that slithered away like a snake by lifting his little legs off the ground.
It obviously triggered some ‘okay, no more’ button in my brain and I woke up.
Okay, that was a crazy defragging for sure.
Imagery origins!—>
Creatures made of flowers: Robert emailed me pics of parade floats of giant animals made of flowers.
One Direction: I checked in the new issue of Bop magazine at the library and they were on the front cover.
Reese Witherspoon’s face on haystacks: Cassandra from Dr. Who
Angel statues: Weeping Angels from Dr. Who
Tigers: Watched a DVD about big cats the other day.

Onto another subject.

I have tremendous joy whenever I get to make something out of whatever I can get my hands on.
One example, when my sister was Lulu from Final Fantasy X for my wedding, I made her hair pieces out if my random craft things and they turned out great.


That’s my sister! Isn’t she beautiful?!

One part of my job I really enjoy is repackaging. ( I don’t like that we have to do this but stuff happens.) I like to take time and care with what I do. I don’t want to make a quick fix. I like to make things look new.
An example would be a Sesame Street Playaway View that was returned sans cover. It was our only copy so I couldn’t just get another one to make a photocopy of it. Onto the Google! Nothing.

I could only find an image of the playaway itself. So, I took another Sesame Street cover and copied it. On to Microsoft Publisher!
With that picture I found of the playaway and other fun editing that took a few hours over a couple of days, I ended up with the final product.

The front. I added the image of the device in the middle.

The front. I added the image of the device in the middle.

The spine. I changed the title by cutting and pasting from the device's image because I couldn't find the title elsewhere.

The spine. I changed the title by cutting and pasting from the device’s image because I couldn’t find the title elsewhere.

The back. I had to cover up all of the graphics for the other playaway, found a decent font and made the title and list. Also changed the play time amount.

The back. I had to cover up all of the graphics for the other playaway, found a decent font and made the title and list. Also changed the play time amount.

I even found the instructions for the inside.

Knowing how to use it is always handy.

Knowing how to use it is always handy.

Guys, it might seem silly but I’m super proud. I think that no one will notice it’s not the real packaging. That is the best.

Now, the last thing. I have been watching copious amounts of My Drunk Kitchen and I’m enjoying it immensely. I keep being wowed by her ability to open a can of beer while holding it with one hand. Two of my friends (during #TableTopDay) tried it and were successful. I failed.

I tried again today and I succeeded on my second one!

Level Up!

Have a good week everyone!


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